Thursday, January 14, 2010

I've Come A Long Way Baby!!!!!

Losing weight is on almost every one's to do list, any time of the year right? Today, Brent and I talked to Danny Cahill, last season's winner of the hit NBC TV show The Biggest Loser. Hearing how someone lost a ton of weight never gets old. That's because I have also struggled with this same issue all of my life. If you are overweight, you know what I am talking about.

Danny's story is very inspiring. He brings up a good point. We can all inspire someone. I believe that God puts us in to the paths of those that need to hear encouragement and inspiration. That is part of our purpose here on earth. Danny certainly did that. You can listen to Danny's story here.

I also have an inspiring story on losing weight. I don't say this to brag, but to encourage you. I sometimes forget about the incredible work that God has done in my life to allow me to lose 97 lbs!!!! I have shared my story many times on the air, and I love to brag about how GOD changed me. My journey started in 2007, and now I have been able to maintain the weight loss. How did I do it? It's been a journey, a learning process and LOT of hard work, but God was there every step of the way. Know this, it's totally worth it. Danny Cahill agrees with me.

Here are some before and after shots of yours truly:


jwood said...

The pics speak for themselves! Nice work friend.

MMM said...

WOW!!!! You are awesome!!!

oafcvicki said...

You look great Janelle!

Anonymous said...

Janelle, Maybe the reason you can't seem to loose those last three pounds is because you only had 97 to loose in the first place. You look great! Don't let a number be the deciding factor in whether you've "made it" or not...

Anonymous said...

You look wonderful!
Keep up the great work!
God is truly in control!

Anonymous said...

Blow the scale, if you feel good, confident and comfortable, you don't need to lose anymore. You look healthy and great!