Monday, November 24, 2014

When you are scared to leap in faith

Psalm 40:4  "Oh the joys of those who trust the Lord, who have no confidence in the proud or in those who worship idols."

People in motion will bump into more opportunities!   That's a proven fact.  To get outside your circle of comfort you have to do something that isn't comfortable.  So why is it that we tend to hide behind our fears when making a move in faith?

In the worship song, Oceans, we sing at top of our lungs and it speaks to the fear that I am talking about.  It's from Hillsong Church and the song includes the line "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders...."  

Do you really mean what you are singing?

Are you singing this because it's the current worship song on the screen?
Are you singing it with all the praise you can muster in your fear-filled voice?
Are you singing it with intention for God to hear?

To let your trust go to a place without borders, means that you are aligning your trust with God who has no borders.  God is outside of time and space so you can't order His plans for you.

God's plans are so big for you that you can't put a border around them!  You can't wrap your heart of trust around something that He has defined.  You can, however let your heart be led to that kind of trust by giving in to His sovereignty all the while as He defines His plans for you.

If you are praying while singing that song, you are asking God, who knows all, who sees all, who reigns over His church, to work in ways that will take more of Him to accomplish.  That very often leads us to a place or places where we have never gone before and it's filled with a lot of unknowns to get there.  

Our level of faith is where our trust kicks in, that's where our faith is activated.  Faith is like a muscle, if we don't use what we believe about God over what we don't believe, our faith will shrink and not grow.  If we let God activate our faith to a place that He can grow it, with a heart of full trust, it will grow strong and powerful.  It will be expanded to have great visions outside of ourselves to grasp what God truly has planned for us.  When we rely on faith that pleases the Father instead of the things we can see.  Faith is not about evidence.

We need to get to the place of trust that when it's our turn to step out onto the unknown we will not be fearful, because we have eye-lock on the one who is calling our name in those unknowns.  

"When we are under God's submission to His mission so have we been commissioned."  ~ Kris Vallotton

When we let our trust go to the unknown, it is always known by God.  

Incredible opportunities lie ahead for us when we trust God in new, never before seen, live in action and uncompromising ways!  This is the kind of trust you are singing about.  A trust that simply says, "Yes, I will go, wherever you lead me to go, no matter how."

You can't get to that kind of trust hiding behind those fears you are comfortable with. 

When you pray for more of God, you are praying with a heart of faith that will lead you to places that He has specifically for you.  He's God, He will hem Himself in around you to guard you, protect you, direct you and keep you.  Accessing this level of trust is matched by His boundless mercy, abounding grace, fearless faith and continual confidence.

To trust someone means that you don't care where you are being led or directed to, you just simply follow where God leads.  You trust the Plan Maker, your Guide, your Leader.  You simply put your questions aside and say yes.  To be lead like this you have to fine tune your hearing so that you only hear His voice above all the distracting voices that throw you off track.

You lead yourself in confidence, in turning to your Leader and not relying on yourself or what you could ever bring along to help God out.  In doing this we lean on His confidence!  Needing more confidence today?  Read Psalm 40, it will boost a holy confidence that can lead you to walking on water and taking a hold of God's confidence that will lead you to an awesome place of trust!

What fear gets in the way of you trusting God more?

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