Monday, January 26, 2009

A Trip to the Shack and Back

One of my resolutions was to read 4 books this year. I know... not a very ambitious resolution, but that is twice as many as I read last year. down, three (or more) to go.

Book number one was The Shack. Brent has read it also, although our reading it at the same time was totally unrelated and random. The book is Mack's journey through a family tragedy and his opportunity to meet God face to face. While there Mack is forced to deal with his past and his deep seated emotions and pain as a result of the tragedy. The cool part is he has a better understanding of his relationship with God because of the meeting... he is changed.

The book made me ponder about my relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In our humaness, we often put God in a box and tend to limit how He works in and through us. The book reinforces that God is always with us, no matter what we are going through or what we have done. And He loves deeply, it's the only way He can love. And His love knows no bounds.

I encourage you to take a trip to The Shack. You might discover some things about your relationship with God too. If you are looking for a good book, check it out. If you have read the book let me know your thoughts about it. Now on to book number two.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

What is book #2? Just curious...