Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Full Circle Cat

Santa Macon
I never thought I would write this.  I didn't think this day would come.  But I am going to say it...I miss the cat.  Yes, this is the same cat, Macon, the one you love to hate.  So don't waste your time thinking of some kind of witty- kitty comeback...just save it.  Macon has returned to his original pet position and now belongs to his first owner.  He's made a full circle when it comes to cat care.

He's been a part of our family for a while now.  We've had our fun times..like the time Terry found him sleeping in the warm dryer on our clean clothes, or  every December when he thinks he's a gift to the family and sleeps under the Christmas tree.  And let's not forget those times, once a month or so, when he randomly yakked on the floor.  

My favorite times were when I interrupted his naps with my exercising and he tried to bite my arm off.  And actually the pinnacle of his noted cat career would be the time we sought revenge on his feline antics and dressed him as Santa Macon.  Cat's don't like baths and they abhor playing dress up.  When we put him in the Santa suit that was two sizes too small... he became lifeless.  Macon fell limp on the floor as if when donning the costume, he was shocked to new level of humiliation he had sunk to.  He laid on the floor as he played dead.  Funniest thing ever!!  It was entertainment at it's finest.  

We had some close times too.  Tender moments when he would curl up and purr at my feet while I was doing my Bible reading.  He was there to help teach me a lesson or two that I needed. Other than getting hair everywhere...he wasn't much help.  But his presence will be missed.  I guess that is what I am dealing with is the lack of his quiet lurking, always in attack mode, and readiness to pounce on my unsuspecting ankle meat.  Or his crazy-go-nuts-run-of-the-mill cat laps at 3 a.m.  

No, I don't need a cat.  No, I don't need your cat.  I just need to fill the cat void that silent, hairy, black, purry, feline creation might have left.  Don't worry it's not a big deal or a big void.  I will just be cat-less.  It will be different.    

I will overcome this..void that I am feeling.  But I might need some cat exit counseling.  I hope you still love me even though I don't have a cat to talk about anymore. 

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