Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stay close to your calling

My calling.  Your calling.  To have a call on your life, well it sounds lofty and unique doesn't it?  
I have dreams just like you do.
I want to know I am going in the right direction just like you do.
I think about the calling of many others and I wonder.
I want to make a difference like you do

Then I remember....
that I am not called to your job or to do everyone else's job.  
God has only called me to my mission, my calling.
Isn't it interesting that we think about our calling only when things are going right?

Is that the only time we believe that we are called, when we feel like we are going in the right direction?

I believe it on days when I feel like I have made progress on my dream.
I believe it on days when I’m growing in faith.
I don’t believe it on the days when it’s just plain hard.
I don't believe it on days when tears come easy.
I don’t believe it on days when I feel like a Jesus freak.
I don’t believe it on days when no one else validates what I’m doing.
I don't believe it on days when I feel no direction.

Then it hits me....
I am called to be me.  
You are called to be you.
It's not about where we are going, it's about who we are in Christ.
God doesn't compare His children, so why do we?
Don’t compete.
Don’t compare.
Don’t mimic.
Don’t envy.

Live in the shadow of the Creator.  Live next to the Light.
Be the child that He wants you to be!  The other guy, is already taken.
Stay close to the Guide.  Stay close to the One who calls your name.  Stay close to God, then you will know your calling.

1 comment:

Carol said...

This one really spoke to my heart, Janelle! Sometimes I am envious of other bloggers, who seem to have it all, while I've been slogging along for six years...but God has a unique plan for my life. I can't compare my journey to others. Thanks for the reminder!