Friday, January 27, 2012

Heart to Heart

God and I ....we've had some dangerous conversations lately, honestly...they have been a little challenging.  God is changing my perspective about things.  I see that as a good thing.  God is illuminating my next steps, only inches at a time and I will tenderly tip-toe through with courage.  I am such a messy piece, He knows I can't handle the big view.  The task He has called me to is daunting and overwhelming.  I can only think about it a few words at a time.

God is doing a work in me that is not possible
when I'm living in my comfort zone.

I'm ready to accept God's challenge.  I can remember a time when I wasn't.

I am ready to put some muscle to it.  To give it some sweat, a lot of tears, let my little heart bleed.     

I know it will be hard work, I will wrestle with it.  Trying not to be afraid of it. 

There will be some easy parts and some hard turns.  Some thick and thin places.  Inevitable twists.

I will have to sacrifice, set aside, and dedicate.  I will need discipline.  This is not the time for lack of faith. 

I'm sure there will be failures, mistakes, errors.  But those refine and define.

But...mostly there will be a long obedience in the right direction with His goal in mind.  Obedience is what God requires of me.

As my humble heart meets His ...I am ready. 

I will follow.  Finally.  Surprise me God.

Has God asked you to do something hard?  


LB Selix said...


You know all things are possible with God...we must have faith to follow through! You are stronger than you give yourself credit for! Believing God by Beth Moore is a great book, check it out!

I know through God you can do it!


Unknown said...

As always one I needed to read!

Unknown said...

Thanks Lisa and Brenda for reading today

Kim V said...

I enjoyed reading this. I think it's awesome that you know what God is calling you to do! My prayer has always been to know, but God has led me on a journey where I must trust along the way. I have loved being able to see where God has moved along the way and know I'm on the right path. But it's also hard sometimes just wanting the answer now:) You will be in my prayers for the strength you need. :)

Anonymous said...

Right there with ya on this one..and most of mine are as a result of waking up everyday for a year and saying: Suprise Me God.....~ Melissa