Thursday, January 28, 2010

Say No More... I Need More Margin

I have been challenged in my personal life lately to have more margin in my life. Mentally, spiritually, relationally and financially. Things are coming to a screeching halt in my world so to speak. After some self-assessment, I am trying to identify some changes I can make to be a better steward of the gifts that God has entrusted me with.

So here is my ever evolving list....

1.) Align my heart with God's everyday. How? Through prayer, reading his Word, and seeking Him first in everything. Check out the One Thing Challenge.

2.) Be more grateful!! Find something to be thankful for everyday. Today I am grateful that I have a family who loves me, a warm house to live in, a dependable car to get me to back and forth to work. I challenge myself to write these things down, a reminder of God's faithfulness in all areas of my life.

3.) Give more!! Especially be aware of how God has blessed me with the financial responsibilities, resources and gifts. I want to honor God with what He has given me. I want to give more...

4.) Be a Lion Chaser!! Do more to reach more for Christ. That can be defined in sooo many ways. What does this idea look like for you? For me making the most of every opportunity, to make a difference, investing in people, to shine the light of Christ.

5.) Being more productive!! Yeah this one is hard!! With all the to-do lists and projects, emails, etc......I am not sure how this one is going to play out. But I want to be better at it.

6.) Read more!! I want to be more disciplined about my intellectual and spiritual diet. Read more, more and more....and that might mean less time on Facebook! (Oh my goodness, did I just type that???)

7.) Delegate More!! If you aren't delegating, you're robbing someone else of the opportunity to step up and step in. We think we're doing people a favor. We aren't. I want to give more opportunities to others this year!

8.) Say No More!! I have a hard time saying no. It's not a natural part of my vocabulary. I'm a "yes person." But saying "yes" to one thing is saying "no" to something else. I need to re-establish some boundaries in my life so that I'm saying "yes" to the most important things. I am finding I have to say "no" to some good things to be prepared and able to do the "great" things in life.

What areas you need more margin in your life? What can you do to make some positive changes to create it?

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