Thanks for your encouragement over the last couple of weeks regarding my weight loss journey. Here lately it seems like it is coming from unlikely sources, and at unexpected times. God is using your encouragement in my life. For the last two weeks, there has been a banquet of assorted foods like chocolate chip cookies, cakes, that I have been faced with. I said no to all of them. After losing 100+lbs, it does get a little easier BUT still hard to resist. Here's why....I love sweets! If I eat one, I will eat ten. That's bad news for me. Still at this point, knowing that sweets are not a healthy choice for me, still hard to resist. So it's better to not even go "there". And just when I think "one bite won't hurt", someone will comment about how much I have lost or I get an email like this one:
Yesterday on the radio you talked about how you lost your weight. The old fashioned way. That is what I am trying to do, to get into better shape. Your words were very encouraging because I wanted to stop yesterday and forget it. But you said exactly what I need to hear! So I'm pressing on and going to get where God wants me to be! Thanks so MUCH!!!
No...Thank you so much. This helps me as much as it helps you. Thanks for being awesome! Much Love.
P.S. Here is the latest comparison:
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