Yesterday, God reminded me that mowing is my spiritual gift. Even though it's a "sometimes-not-fun" job. I love to serve and when I see the need, I just jump in with everything I've got. That's why I mow. That's why I serve. It's a way I can serve Terry and my family. It's the way that God wired me. Also, if I don't mow, then our landscape will turn into a jungle of phenomenal proportions. AND another thing that God taught me was that this servant's heart is destined for more than just mowing. Sometimes that is all God requires of me is to be consistent in doing the "sometimes-not-fun" jobs. The point is seeing the need and allowing God to work through you to meet the need, and therefore showing the love of Christ.
Look around you...where can you serve and meet someones need? If God is calling you to serve in a area, I believe He has already equipped you with the gifts needed to carry out the task. What are you waiting for? Mow....like the best of them! With fervor, flair, joy and......sunscreen.
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