I have always been content, so I thought. Last week I saw contentment at it's least. Needless to say I am far from that. I would liken my state of contentment to be somewhere along the spoiled child. I have more than enough stuff or junk or whatever you want to call it. Seriously. It's kind of embarrassing to even admit it to you. I have been taking the blessings and gifts of God for granted and now I am being wrecked over it. God is wrecking my heart to look outside of myself and to see the needs of others....for compassion.
I have plenty of trinkets, bobbles, ....this and thats. None of that stuff really matters and God reminded me, once again, that I must find my satisfaction in Him. He is the only one that can fill me. And as I am emptying myself of the "stuff" in my life there is more room for Him. Another realization is that as we surround ourselves with so many things, good or not, that it creates a barrier in which we hide behind or hinder us from reaching out to those who need to know about Jesus. Where there are no barriers with stuff there is more freedom to give away what we have been so readily given. I am seeing others with His eyes.
Change is good. How has God been working in your life? It would be good to know that His wrecking ball after someone other than me. To be continued...
1 comment:
Funny you write this post, I am in the same Season barriers are just being whacked..God has brought some circumstances into my life that has really whacked me upside the head. I welcome them because with each chip chip chip I see me me me falling away how liberating. I have been going through this since my mission trip to Romania last year and I am so aware now of those who don't have,don't fit into my idea of loveable, those shackels of self are slowly being lifted and liberation is so sweet. I am being put to work now here at home for those that I have selfishly deemed strange or unlovable in my eyes..Work in progress sometimes meeting much resistance. Followed by pitty party yet my good friends will not allow the pitty party and make me see what God is teaching me if I would just keep my eyes on Him and wide open. (Sorry for the ramble, but I really needed to put it into words so that I can now go forth and do His work)
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