Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Start Now!!

There is a new trend in America...or Oklahoma...or really just in House FM radio land. Andy and Jenn are starting what I like to call a movement. A movement of motives, of God's people, of your priorities and "to-do" list. But it's really more of a movement in thinking, a shift, if you will, to do what matters, to make a difference everyday.

So since this is discovery land for some of you or a time of reflection and evaluation, think on these things....

What are YOU passionate about?
What has God put in YOU?
What needs can God use YOU to meet?
What breaks YOUR heart?
What are YOU uniquely equipped and called to do?

Seek God, and then take notes. Take as much time as you need to but remember don't wait too long, Satan likes to use procrastination against us. Don't let the process of discovery hinder you in asking the questions.

Then do what God leads you to do. He has already equipped you to whatever it is sooooo what are you waiting for? Start NOW!!

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