Tuesday, November 30, 2010

O Christmas Tree?

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree...where are you? Why are you so much work to get out, to decorate, and to adorn with your lights, your bells, your stars, your snowmen, bobbles and bangles....and all those one-of-a-kind ornaments only made by my children? Should I or should I not put you up this year? Can't I celebrate this season of days without you? Is there really anything about you Oh Christmas Tree that says the true meaning of Christmas? I am just wondering...

Oh yes, I enjoy your lit branches, your dangling ornaments, glowing appearance, the memories you bring every year. I do admit you bring a level of festiveness to our house. But really must I break you out of storage this year? You are just soooo much work. I am just wondering...are you worth the effort?

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree.....why must you lure me into the trappings of this season? Will this Christmas be different? Is it only with tradition that you call my name? Is it necessary? Am I just lazy? Am I a scrooge? Can't we have Christmas without you? I am just wondering...

Honestly, I feel a bit guilty writing these words to you....Oh Christmas tree....I am just wondering....


PK said...

Christmas tree! However, only put it up if you aren't stressed or overwhelmed about it! These holidays are about remembering when our Savior was born and how blessed we are- the rest is unnecessary, but does add some fun!

Unknown said...

Thanks for caring! I am not sure which way I will go....