Tuesday, July 31, 2012

This Is Mission Trip Season

Hope Smiles

When preparing for a mission trip, I start praying towards the destination the day I understand that I am supposed to go. My list of prayers covers a variety of topics from safe travel, to providing enough funding, to bringing the right team together, and to being used by God. There are so many details that need to be in place before one steps foot out the door. 

The one of the biggest prayer circles I present before the Father is to accomplish His work in my heart. I don't want to wait until I get on foreign soil for Him to prepare it.

God always brings back my first mission trip experience in the Dominican Republic.  It was a hot day, on that little hill, when God burned the call of missions on my heart.  It was an unforgettably tender moment when He showed me His hope spoken by the hopeless.  He also showed me how my life was filled with distractions in the worldly life I was living.  That trip was a game-changer. 

My American dream was quickly cast aside when it collided with wide-spread poverty, and buried with the disadvantaged. That message was life-changing, not only for me but for most my team members.

I believe there are lessons that can only be taught on the mission field outside the church pew.  God always prepares you as you pray to prepare.

If you ask, He will move you  

to see their needs...
to humbly serve...

to love them as He loves.

Isn't that the point of going and being Christ to the nations?  

It's in missions that I can see my-God purpose.  

Once I see His heart...how can I say no?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A great reminder! I can be so distracted by the things of this world and forget that we are here on a mission!!