Monday, January 5, 2009

Just Say No!

Today's resolution winner at is Eden from Stillwater. Eden writes, "My new year's resolution is to quit Dr. Pepper. Why is it that there are 12 Step groups for everything but caffeine??? I even have a new slogan, "Saying No to Dr. Pepper is Saying No to Diabetes!"

This is difficult Eden especially if you have been drinking it for years. I quit drinking pop altogether two years ago and I am better for it. Nothing really helped me except that I drank more water. The more water you drink the more you crave. I really missed the fizziness of pop, so the flavored water you can by the in the stores really helped me get over wanting it. But one thing I know, if I can do it, you can to. Set your mind to it and decide not to drink it. At least that is what I had to do. Now I don't even think about it anymore. Yes, today I am victorious...take that Diet Coke.

Anyone else have a suggestion or tip that might help Eden? Leave your comment below. If you have a resolution you would like to share go to The House FM.