Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Waist Not...Want Not"

Thursday's winner in The House FM Resolution contest is Sam in Monmouth, IL. Sam writes, "I just hopped on the scales and much to my horror I am the heaviest I have ever been. After several minutes of staring in the mirror grabbing handfuls of spare tire I made a resolution...I have never made a New Year's resolution in the 39 years of my existence. I resolved to get back to my natural weight of 190 pounds. This means I need to drop 24 pounds. Now, I don't want to wait all year so my goal is to drop this weight in 4 months. I need some helpful nutrition tips and exercise tips. I play basketball or tennis Monday thru Friday, however, I eat very hearty 24/7...I need accountability!! My accountability people in my hometown are in worse shape than I am so I am turning to the "Wisdom Givers" Brent and Janelle for some motivation. Help. Sincerely, Your Faithful Listener"

Sam your resolution is the number one resolution made. A lot of people struggle with the extra poundage from the holidays and life in general. I have struggled with this issue all of my life. Or so it seems. But I know that you can do this...I am evidence that God can change your desires for your food choices and turn those desires into something that honors Him.

Once you have acknowledged that you have some pounds to drop, the next step is to start writing down what you eat. EVERYTHING!! You will be amazed about how much intake you will record. I know I was.

Here's a link that might help you with some weight loss informaiton. Spark People has some helpful tips and a weight tracker that will help you. There is an exercise tracker there too and that will help you log the time spent playing basketball and tennis. Exercise is a key element in losing the weight too.

Another thing that was helpful to me was dropping the pop and drinking more water. The more water you drink the more you will crave. I wouldn't have believed that either unless I tried it for myself. It really works.

Always be prepared to have healthy snacks on hand. It does take a little time to always cook fresh, but remember you are worth it. You are doing something good for yourself.

Two years ago I started the process of losing weight. Brent and I competed in the Total Fitness Challenge contest and led teams with healthy eating tips and exercise. After the contest I continued to lose weight for a total of 85 pounds to date. I still want to lose another 30 pounds and that is my resolution for this year. I encourage you in your efforts, if I can do it, anyone can.

Here's me after the Total Fitness Challenge was over, having lost around 20lbs. (I am the one wearing the OSU shirt, Brent McCoy is on the right.)

Here's me today...85 lbs loss.