It’s that time of year when young and old alike use everything from roses to macaroni art to share the love. There is only one person who performed the greatest act of unconditional, sacrificial love. That would be Jesus. This week on the "to be list" let's put into practice to be more loving.
Loving: 1. Feeling love; affectionate. 2. Indicative of or exhibiting love.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Okay, sometimes it’s not so easy to be loving. We get busy, self-centered, hurt and grumpy. So it’s great when cupid wings his way into town to remind us to share the love and pass the chocolates. And it’s even more wonderful when our Heavenly Father whispers his unfathomable love to us in his Words, with his creation, through his followers, in personal messages spoken right to our heart.
And when we take time to soak in his love, the overflow can’t help but splash out on the folks around us. Bringing us joy, making God smile, and bringing blessings others’ hearts. Let's practice the art of loving as God loves us.
Ways to be more loving:
1. Buy a pack of store-bought Valentines (half-price now!) and give them ALL away to friends, family, and coworkers.
2. Think of what truly communicates love to your husband—time, touch, gifts, etc.—and find a way this week to speak his unique love language to him.
3. Think of someone who might feel a bit lonely or left out, that next door neighbor and bake him or her a batch of brownies.
4. Read through Psalm 139 for a reminder of how very much your Heavenly Father loves you.
5. Find some time this week for a little self-love: a pedicure, a new book, an extra hour or two of babysitting so you can shop or lunch with a friend or nap.
6. If you have kids, gather some old magazines and other craft supplies and make love note for someone you love.
7. Matthew 5:43-48 calls Christians to love not just the lovable, but those we might consider enemies. Read this passage, think about someone you consider an enemy or unlovable, and pray for opportunities to express godly love for them in the week ahead.
How do you show love?
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