Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good Morning Horse Statue!

I can't stop them...random thoughts as I'm driving and since I can't text while driving, I have to let them out somehow. So here goes....
Is this only Tuesday?
Coffe is yum-o today, what would we do without it?
Good morning Horse statue.
I need more sleep.
The Orange, the breakfast of champions.
I hope the wind blows at 90 miles an hour again today.
Why do fourth graders need a blog?
I need to call Randy about...
Can I be Superwoman today?
I love writing notes in the dark on my way to work.
Lord, let me be an inspriation to many.
I wish I could text while driving...if I could.... I would say...
I need more bandaids, must go to the store after work. UGH!
I feel so fat today.
Dinner...it's pork chop night.


Anonymous said...

I love the random thoughts! Don't listen to Brent...you rock!

UnFrSaKn said...

I can arrange Super Janelle for you....

SouthSoonerChic said...

side note - never say you "feel fat" because as you feel therefore you are... it's a whole perception game you can play with yourself. if you say to yourself you're looking thinner today! watch other people will start to say things like "oh have you lost weight?" or "you look really good in that outfit!" no lie. try it out see if the positive thinking works for ya!