No one likes to be judged, especially for their opinion. Every time I write I feel as if there is someone out there that reads it and then says to themselves, "Well, that was a waste of time." Or "That's two minutes of my life that I will never get back." Or "I think this might have been helpful if it would have discussed this...". Rejection!
If you are a reader of mine, then please suggest what might be helpful to you. I am just writing about things that happen in my life, and praying that it also applies to you. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. I don't know. That's what I am afraid of, the not knowing. Do you like it or do you hate it?
I feel like my writing is a calling of God. I am modestly saying that I feel that this blog can accomplish a purpose set apart for God's purposes. But I want to check in with you to see if that is what is really happening. Just bearing my heart here and hoping that my blog is helpful or entertaining. Now I am afraid of the answers, or worse yet, no answers.

Readin' you loud & clear Janelle. FYI... out the hundreds of thousands of blogs out there - where people drone on & on about their life & themselves...your blog is one I actually ENJOY! You consistently witness to the transforming love of Christ in your life & your mind. We are here for HIS glory, not ours right? Keep it up Janelle... to HIS glory. ;) - jw
I read everything you post, Janelle. You are such an inspiration to me. Your blogs reflect your deep love for Our Lord and Savior and your struggles with this world. What could be better than that? You proclaim the Glorious Name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
I'm slow getting to it but I read you and love you, you know that.
Blog on dear friend, blog on.
Be safe in DR Praying...
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