One thing that has apparent to me though is my flirtation with pizza. It is one of my favorite food groups. And I have been eating it every week. Religiously. Never fail. Because of one reason, it's convenient. Oh never mind that it tastes good, it has all that delicious cheese dripping off of it, or that I load it up with the veggies. I am still flirting with it and getting away with it. I can eat it and maintain. That is a dangerous, "close to the line" behavior. YIKES!!
So in light of this revelation, I have to back off of it, I will have to give it up because of my love for it. I know....you are thinking that one or two slices aren't that bad for you, but in my world, yes it is. I'll eat two slices...enjoy it...and then look for the next item on the menu. It starts a chain of bad eating behavior that lasts the entire weekend. Then Monday morning, here I am again....in trouble with the scale.
Now before you scream out irrationally to the computer screen and say...Janelle...it's only pizza!!! Let me explain the way a ex-fat person thinks. If you can get away with eating things you love and there are no consequences then there will be no changes. It means that you can eat what you want...it doesn't matter what it is....and if the scale doesn't reflect the calories or binges, then you are "home free". Now the new way to think for me is just because you can, doesn't mean you should. With the healthy lifestyle of eating and because I want to be all that God has made me to be for His glory, then once I recognize a behavior that hinders my walk, even in the area of eating, then I have to correct it, no matter if it's eating one or two slices of pizza, or a chocolate cookie or 10 cookies, or whatever! It is still getting in the way. Therefore I can't flirt with foods that are causing me to disobey.
There I said it. How about you? What are you flirting with and you know you shouldn't?
Signed true confessions....with all the love in my heart....for you.
ouch janelle. why did you have to step on my toes like that? with my cheesy-poofs so close to my desk? I think you hit my "body is less than a temple" nail right on the head. God intended my body to be strong & resiliant like his temple...not a rusted out trailer on cinder blocks. thanks for the insight today. god bless!
If there is anything in your life that has the potential to cancel out all of the successes you’ve had up to this point, get rid of it now before it undoes everything you’ve worked for.
Within the past few months I have been trying to take pizza out of my diet especially since I have found out how unhealthy it is because of all of the calories. Though, I can't seem to totally take it out of my diet because I've grown up eating it and think it tastes good. Now, if only scientists could figure out a way to take out all of the calories without changing that tastes. Saidly, I don't think that will ever happen.
Jennifer, I think it tastes great too! But because I love it so...I have to avoid it...at least for right now. Someday I will be able to eat it again. Thanks for reading.
I haven't tried it Janelle, but I read that Kashi has a frozen pizza with only 290 calories in a third of the pie. When you have finished with your pizza fast, you might want to try it.
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