It's new year and the clock continues to tick. Minutes are the markers for time, and it marches on. So now what? We are supposed to be all charged up and happy about it right? Focused, energized, challenged, revolutionized and visionized.
Fact is January is a recovery month for all the over-booked, over-stuffed schedules, wallets, and stomachs. People are gym bound to re-train their out-of-shape muscles for new dedicated moves, plus trying to memorize the fact and nutrition information on their favorite healthy snack, if there is such a thing. Planners are filled with new dates, cramming schedules with every school event or dance recital known to man. Budgets are set for crisis mode as reality sets in on how much was spent on Christmas.
To a planner like me, there are never enough minutes in a day, never enough to matter. But the minutes really drag on when I-haven't-exercised-in-two-months-and-now-I-want-to-get-in-shape-with-Jillian-Michael's. And as you stand in front of the fridge pushing your new diet to the appropriate "next" Monday, we forget the wasted minutes that matter when we eat way to too much too often. I don't even want to mention those dollars wasted on energy drinks to keep the body fueled as one frantically tries to keep up crazy-break-neck-paces.
So how can you make the minutes of 2011 moments to remember? Tell people that they matter. You see you were created in the image of God, and for His purpose. Eph. 1:4 says, "Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before him in love." And loves you....He does......with so much love, that He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins. We matter that much to God. So in turn, as we accept His love and forgiveness, we matter to Him and can rest in HIS identity. I touched on that idea in this post. When we understand that we matter to God, we become connectors to Christ. We can and should pass that on to others. With that Christ connection, we find endless unlimited love, comfort and strength.
Now those are the minutes, the moments I live for, moments to share. What are you going to do to make 2011 matter? Don't be caught taking a nap through the best moments of this year.
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