Monday, January 17, 2011


Lately I have noticed that I am a lousy cook. Apparently it's not because of years of experience but it is something I don't care that much about. I have stopped trying.

On four different occasions I have had epic fail in attempts to make food products.

I burned a grilled cheese sandwich black as the night. I made coffee 10 times the regular strength. I made some rubbery hard jello. I made pudding with a gross cobblestone crusty top.

You think I am being exceptionally hard on myself....but these are facts. These things really happened. I can't get it right. Coming from a mom who taught her kids.... "if you can read, then you can cook", this is a huge admission. I am embarrassed.

I guess I have stopped trying. I know it matters though. If I had my way, I would snack my way through the day on vegetables and humus, grapes and apples. Those are my favorite things. They don't require much cooking.

I have lost my touch. Awareness will bring change. I am challenging myself to do better, try harder. Maybe you need to challenge yourself to do something better too. What is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What, exactly, is that a picture of? Is it supposed to be food?