Friday, November 25, 2011

Wait...Just a Minute

Many of you participated in some Black Friday sales. I did a little bit last night at 10 p.m. but the days of getting up at 3 a.m. to get something that might be a dollar or two cheaper are over. I need sleep too much to join in on that "fun". 

After getting my two purchases, there was the task of checking out.  The store was packed.  I looked down the aisle and there was the longest line known to man. Whoa...yeah I was going to be in line a while. If I really wanted what I had in my hands, I had to wait in that really long line. 

Do you ever feel like you are waiting in line with God when He doesn't answer our prayers right away?  Or how about when He doesn't answer at all?  It almost seems as if His silence is the answer. I have been in the middle of this.  Ever wonder if you are praying for the wrong things? Or ever wonder if you will run out of prayers for a certain situation?  

It seems as if God has forgotten. I'll be honest...this makes me uncomfortable.  Here's what do I when God appears silent...

I have to be be honest with the One who hears, who listens to my every word. I have to be honest with myself that maybe I have to wait, build patience, and love God no matter what. But also I have to face my fear of His silence. That makes me uncomfortable and it takes deep faith to wait, hope, and believe. 

I can't equate His silence with His love for me. The world tells me to translate it into feelings of fear and insecurity. I can't do that...I must keep His love on the forefront of my mind. Otherwise....I would have bigger issues.

I have to remember that I am not alone. God has not promised to give me all the answers, but He has promised that He will never leave me. Even in the times of silence, when I feel like I am in this by myself and circumstances are uncertain. I am refreshed by those great heroes of the faith, who during their faith-building times, had days of doubt. 

I have to remember that just because I feel a certain way does not mean the way I feel is truth. My feelings come and go, but God's love does not change. It never has, never will. That's comfort. I have to replace the lies that Satan shouts with the truth that I know and believe about God in my heart. Romans 8:28 promises that God works all things out for good for those "who love Him, who are called according to His purpose." I love God and I am called, therefore I can believe in His silence, that He is working things out for my good. You can too if you love and trust Him. 

It also means that God has a plan, even when it appears that He doesn't.

It's good to seek God as passionately as a Black Friday sale, but also it's good to know when to move and to put your hands and feet into action. Don’t just sit around longing for God to work in your silence. 

Serve. Seek Him. Help others. Pray. Seek His face. Be active. 

Live out your faith during this time. Idleness is one of Satan’s best friends. I know that God prepares for some of His best work as I wait. 

I read Psalm 27 and 121 in my waiting room. 

Ps 27:14 I will wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.