The other day my first born found out the gender of her soon-to-be second born child.
Ahhhh...there was a sigh of relief once we all felt the confirmation that baby number two was fine, healthy and of course what gender it was.
It was hard to wait. In my days of my having two babies we didn't know what we were giving birth to. We didn't care the gender. We just wanted to make sure that all was well and good.
With modern technology advancing, it quickens our desires for information of all kinds so we can prepare ourselves for every life scenario that comes our way.
And what God has been teaching me these days of waiting, is either just what I need to know or more truth in what I thought I already knew. Again and again.
I'm good with second-time-around lessons. That means there are some greater things to discover about whatever it is, and another chance to learn. It means a deeper meaning or for a greater purpose.
It means growing in the waiting.
Learning and growing more is a process, a waiting process. Learning and leaning more is a waiting process, a weighty process. Growing takes a waiting, growing has a purpose.
Something we all need to learn more is awe.
I said it this summer to my good friend and mentor...the one thing I was waiting for these days. "We need to reclaim the awe of God."
Awe of God.
That is something modern technology won't bring, but a second look at the Eternal will. Again and again.
The awe-inspiring knowledge of God. Being in awe of His Majesty.
We have lost the awe of God. So...consider God in these days of waiting, His waiting on us to take a second look in these Advent days...
...maybe we will see God for the first time
...maybe we will see God in our shopping
...maybe we will see God in our fears
...maybe we will see God in our relationships
...maybe we will give more godly responses to the rude that spews
...maybe we will be more generous with our gifts
...maybe we will decorate the halls of our hearts with less, so to make room for more
...maybe just maybe....
...we will notice Emmanuel during our waiting
In the waiting days of Advent, don't we still have the same heart desires to see more God in our everyday lives? In the waiting days of today, don't we long to experience God in more ways?
In the waiting, preparing...don't we want to reclaim the God-awe we feel we have lost due to the busyness of Christmas?
Can you feel Him tapping gently on your shoulder saying, gently whispering, "...pssst...I'm over here at the stable waiting for you to worship Me with that childlike awe you had all those years ago?
In the waiting....we prepare. In the waiting, a tiny helpless baby lays waiting. In the waiting that helpless little baby King, prepares us to wait with holy anticipation.
Waiting for the awe of a newborn's arrival, waiting for the anew of Jesus, waiting for heavenly awe to hit our hearts.
Waiting for Holy Awe anew. I for one am one who is. I can't wait to learn it again and again.
My prayer: Dear God, help us to recover the awe in Christmas, the days of Christmas preparations, but in our hearts. Set our spirits to see your holy awe...and set our souls afire with the passion and compassion you long to give us in these days of Advent. We wait for you.