Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Awareness Hits

I am thankful that God allows u-turns.

In my forward motions and moments towards God in some areas of my life, I have realized that I was going the opposite direction in the health areas of my life.  I know better than that.  And that knowledge is what is hitting me square between the eyes.  And it hurts.

When I stepped on the dreaded scale to see the distance of my journey, I was shocked.  Who knew that all those ice cream cones, chips, and cakes could translate into so many ounces.  No...pounds.  No more sugar coating the truth.

You say, Janelle, it can't be that bad.  No it probably isn't.  But if I don't call myself out on this, I will continue in my sugar coma to the next pair of jeans that don't fit right.  And then a few chocolate chip cookies later, I will be back to where I was before I lost the 100lbs.  I know that is not God's best for me.  So why not let the alarms go off now versus at 100 lbs. over??  The scale stops here.  

For me, this situation is serious.  Food is my constant distraction, it is my constant attraction.  I have to acknowledge this as a problem, I have to set my default, I have to have a plan for exercise, I have to plan.  Otherwise the difference is the painful part.  As this awareness hits, it makes a difference, and propels me to make changes.  These changes are the launchpad for my U-turn.  

I repent, I turn, I make an about face.  I make a u-turn.  I have had a hinge moment in which I can always refer to as one that started a change in me.

Have you had to make a u-turn?  I am thankful God allows those.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I'm in the same boat with you! Our ladies group is doing "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkhurst. It is really a wonderful study. We were made to crave God not food! All of us are enjoying it (even when it's an in your face time).