Saturday, July 23, 2011


I used to collect teddy bears. They were something I thoughts I would pass down to my teddy-gram-kids. I don’t really collect things like I used to, unless it’s a Spork, something that belongs in a disco, or a picture of a mullet. Now, before you think I will be highlighted on TLC's next episode of "Hoarders - Buried Alive", you have to know that I don't collect stuff anymore. I am over seeking earthly treasures. They don't hold value for me. It's only stuff. I am seeking a different kind of keepsake though. Those keepsakes of faith which are found in God's love letter.

As I was cleaning today, I was reminded how negligent I have been regarding some collections of a different kind. There is something I have been ignoring. I was dusting, I couldn't help but notice that some of the shelf-sitter-space-takers were incredibly dusty.  It seemed that dusting has been the last item on my priority list. Memorizing scripture has been low on my priority list as well.

One way we can connect with God is to know his Word. And to know more about God you have to read His words. To be His reflection, we have to hide His truth into our hearts. We have to consider it a keepsake that is worth investing our time and effort into. The moments of tucking His heart into ours is one of great value. It builds quiet strength within the soul. 
When we press in through His word, we are abiding in His presence.

When we lean into His wisdom, we equip ourselves when life is pressing in on us from all sides. 

When I bury His treasure into the folds of my heart, my faith is strengthened.

Therefore when we engage His word into our world we will be connected, we will remain, we have life, and we are beautiful.

Ps. 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

What challenges you in your faith walk?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

May we always want to keep God's word in our heart!!