Friday, September 16, 2011

Every Time I Run

Every time...

I step foot out the door with my running shoes on, progress is made.  With each attempt I try to improve something.  I try to go a few seconds longer, try to breathe a little easier, slow my pace.

Every time....

I step foot in God's Word, I learn to linger a little more.  I improve or gain understanding.  I allow His Spirit to work in my heart to break mine.

Every time...

I step foot into His presence I worship with words.  I know that God inhabits praise.  When I consider what He has saved my from, how could I not?

Every time...

I realize there is a great awakening that is occurring here...all due to movement.  

His gospel sends, His Love compells, His character keeps.

Every time I run towards His goal....there's progress in this heart pursuit.

Every time...

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