Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Sisterhood of The Pink Pants

My Pink Pant Sisterhood
Everybody needs a good friend...or two.   
God brings friends in our path to help us along our journeys.  We need each other!  

It was a cold day.  I stomped up the stairs disgusted with myself because I was late.
She greeted me with a smile and a bowl of homemade stew.  It was comfortable here.
We sat...we ate...she listened as my heart spewed.  She caught every word.

I can't get past that she cares so much.    She has been steadfast and unwavering in helping me discover my dreams.  Even though we haven't spoken of it...she is committed.
That's what pink-pants do..
listen and encourage.  

She cultivates growth.

In her pink pants, she tells me it's safe to let others inside.  The Enemy speaks of fear.  I fear judgment and scrutiny.  
I fear when I leave the door of my heart open.
I fear you will hate the ugly parts.

I fear your gaze.

"Be you" she says.  I don't have anything special to say, but God does.
Can we do life together?  Will you listen to my stories?  Do you care that much?

I have a fear of writing the end of this story.  She reminds me that all of the stories in the Bible are of people on the move.  There is God's movement in my heart and that makes me want to share with you.

She has tucked the fleece away for safe keeping.  No more questions.  
No more sowing seeds of mistrust.  

In the pink-pants circle of safeness I confess my fears.  She couches Truth to empower my thoughts.  She pages through my thoughts and 
doesn't wince.

Her pink pants boast hearts that are splattered and scattered.  Just like my many heart pieces.  She is like family.  We have a heart connection that goes deep.  Her heart-splattered-pink pants speak of softness and embrace my emotions.  She understands my deep feelings as they are tucked inside her confidentiality.

I bare my soul and she doesn't shudder.  She patiently listens in her pink pants and adds her well timed wisdom.  She interjects her thoughts and weaves them into mine.  She brings perspective to a view that is clouded.  She helps bring clarity.

The pink patterned pants were a comfort pick.  She loves my heart for what it is.  Her words of encouragement and constructive criticism are always welcome.
I am forever grateful as I bounce words off of the pink pants wonder...she lets my harsh words fall off.  There's no room for the negative.

 She won't destroy purpose.  She shields and protects me from myself.  She inspires.

We are moving on this together, women on the move….tucked into God's heart as 
we bare ours with each other.
I am grateful for my pink pants-God-loving sista'.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.  Proverbs 17:17

Who's your go-to person you trust?

1 comment:

Jennifer Topale said...

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this. It really spoke to me.