Monday, April 30, 2012

Music Monday [He Said]

With Music Mondays, I try to pick a song that means a lot to me each week.  This week I chose Group 1 Crew's song "He Said". It will be a song that I will take with me especially this week, with some difficult circumstances ahead. Yeah, it's going to be rough one, with many things out of my control.

A lot of what happens in my life doesn't make sense. I would guess it's the same for you. This past week we have had a lot of break downs. Our central air unit quit. It was old. And to get it repaired it would cost $1000's.  So we had to opt for plan B.  Only Dave Ramsey has the kind of emergency fund that can replace big stuff at a moments notice. And because it happened on the warmest day of the spring at 91 degrees, we of course had to go get some quick replacements. In the process of getting the air conditioner units home, I lost my keys. Basically it was one of those days, when you ask..."why do these things keep happening?"

I have a missionary friend name Mitch Hildebrant that entered the hospital six weeks ago for a burst appendix. Since that incident, he has had one medical challenge after another. It has not been a normal recovery. Many prayers have been said and are continuing for his healing.  He too, along with his wife, are asking "why do these things keep happening?"

I have another friend who texted me to say, "I can't do it anymore." I have to wonder if she is asking "why do these things keep happening?"

Our TV broke this week too.  Big week for break downs. 

Many days life doesn't make sense. People hurt. People hurt others; people silently hurt and the bad things don't stop. Life marches on. We pray, we cry out to God, we pray some more. And life still brings another punch of broken things. And in our shattered lives God still wants us to trust.  We get to trust. We deal with trusting God. Trust.  We trust in the One who knows the big picture of our lives.  

I will never know why Mitch had to go through six plus weeks of medical procedures. Sometimes I don't understand the constant struggles with mechanical stuff that keeps breaking around my house. There are a lot of times that I don't get what God is trying to show me through His purposes when I am going through life's tough times. It doesn't make sense.

But....through all of these life struggles, I do know that I have a Savior who loves me. Ps. 139 tells me that.

I have a Father who knows what I am going through. Ps. 46 gives me reassurance.  

I am comforted that when times get tough, the God of Joshua is also the same God who won't leave me, forsake me and gives me courage. The God of Moses, who led him and the Israelites, through the Red Sea on dry ground is my God today and the One who knows what the other side of the river bank holds.

So how do we move past all of these bad days? We have to deal with them somehow. We, I, you, we all need to remember who God is.  God is faithful.  He always has been, and He never changes.    

God loves. 
 Not for anything that we have done. God loves because it's His character. 

God is for us. 
Even when things don't appear to be working out like we think they should. 

God always accomplishes His purpose for our lives. 
God has His agenda and He wants to work His plan in your life. 

God is trustworthy.
God will calm your storms, but also as life's storms are raging 
He will calm you. 

God's peace replaces fear every time. 
 When we give Him our fears, He gives us His peace. 

God is faithful.  
God help us to stand tall, remember who you are.  
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."  1 John 4:4

The Bible tells me all these promises are true. He His word and that's enough for me.

"Don't fear when you go through the fire 
Hang on when it's down to the wire 
Stand tall and remember what He said"


Anonymous said...

That song also helps me remember that God is with me, even in the valley of shadows. ~ Temi

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! I am reminding myself of His faithfulness too! ~ Pam