Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What Does Logic Have To Do With It?

I ran into an old friend and we caught up on each other's family news.  I was really behind on hers.  They are adopting twins from the Phillipines.  I heard her exciting and amazing "only-God-opens-doors-like-this" story.  What I noted from our conversation was the hardest part of the process for their family.  It was allowing their minds catch up with their hearts of obedience.  

We talked about God's obvious opportunities, as she was giving God all the glory about how the plan worked out perfectly.  But in the middle of it all...

Their adoption circumstances looked too hard.  She had support, she had prayers, she cried out to God to make it clear and she had thrown out many fleeces.  She wanted to be that sure that this was the right path that God wanted them to go.

I got to thinking about how we seek God's best, we want to do His will.  Sure, we want that!  That is....what we want...right?  Don't we all want to throw out our fleeces and ask God to answer our fleece prayer exactly?  Yes, yes we do....

I believe God does just that.  But our minds get bogged down with logic or reasoning that we simply can't accept.  We tell ourselves that obedience has to be hard and then our resolve to obey becomes stubborn.  Our own logic becomes the limitation that sets our heart's obedience.  

We just need to say "yes" and He takes care of the rest.

God is a creative God and He will lead us through our problems or tell us how to fix our problems.  His simple answers to our daily conundrums and big life decisions require simple obedience and most times, we stumble over that.    

Who said obedience had to be so hard?  Following God shouldn't be complicated.  If we follow what God truly has led or asked us to do, then he won't leave us in the middle of His calling to let us figure it all out for ourselves.  

God knows the end before he brings us our beginnings.  
It's wise to let God engage our logic with His plans. 

God's grace is compelling and engaging.  Grace captivates the matters of the heart. Grace facilitates simple obedience.  Obedience is our expression of love to God.  Our love responses are fueled as we allow God's love logic to lead. 

"And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love." ~ 2 John 1:6

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You are so very right. I am a VERY logical thinker, always have been. And a lot of the time I try to "logically" explain or figure His will out. He has reminded me time after time that my logic will not understand His will. I am finally learning and accepting that. He is and always will be what is best for me. :-)