Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Journal Journeys

One of my first journals was dated Jan. 4, and since then I have resolved myself to writing things down.  

My desire to write actually started way back when my dream was very small.  Whoever gave this gift, must have known.  God must have whispered my dream to them.  

The name of my first journal was 
"Multi-Volume Dissertation on Everything"  -Deluxe Edition.  My first entry....

"The best place to begin is the beginning. I've always wanted to write a book.  I always knew that I had the potential.  Now here is my chance.  Even though it may not get published, I'll have the satisfaction within myself that I did it!  Here is a collection of anything and everything that is a part of me!"

On the first page:  Things that are important to me and God.  God thank you for planting the desires of words in my heart.

Since that day I have recorded many thoughts, many things that are important to me. Tears and fears that help stretch and shape my faith.  Thoughts that are important to God.  Among the silly little girl stories there are the heart cries of young tender heart.  All important, each and every one of them.  

Since that first edition, I have recorded my prayers, my partially finished posts, my reflections, and my imagination and interpretations.  My heart is written on each page.  

God has put His footprint on each page.

There are some big mile-markers
...some doubt stones rolled away,
some fear filled walls that have crumbled down,
some hope bridges that span life's rushing tears,
some intriguing turns beyond the gates of praise,
some unforeseen twists and Promises,
many, many prayers, spoken and not,
some life plans and dreams wrapped around a lot of plan B's...

There are emotions roaring on pages mixed with joy, love and faithfulness.  Mixed with good God stuff, those prayers circled, in and around, day after day.  

Important faith stuff to me and God.

I take a journal with me wherever I go.  Just in case I need to capture one more thought or idea.  Post-it's, small notebooks, spirals, leathers, cloth-bound work to capture many ideas too.  They are all covered in prayer and my prayers cover the pages.

I prefer my pages to be more about Him.  Most days my pen makes the pages crinkle under my fingertips.  It's a delight to run my hands across the Truth.  It's life giving and life changing, recording God's promises and faithfulness.  Each page boasts of spiritual growth and my faith in action, it speaks of hope that God gives.  

God has filled these pages...with His truth and important stuff.  

So when I see yet-to-be-filled pages, prayers for needed new growth fill my heart, no matter how God's lessons come.   He prepares the fertile ground for the God harvest ahead.  This bride is looking to the One And Only Lover of her soul to inspire and remember inspired words to scribe.  

There are days when there is no doing, only being.  Silently taking it all in.  Giving thanks and making prayer circles.  There is no editing.  I challenge you to take up a pen and paper and boldly ask God what he would want to say to you today.   

God wants to share His heart.  
That's why I scribble....
His holy and divinely imprinted Footprint
He has time set aside for you. 


Pam Worcester said...

I love that you write down your thoughts - no matter how messy! You are in inspiration to others that also need to write down their thoughts :)

Matt said...

I like the picture... It looks familiar..

Telisa said...

You are such and encouragement Janelle!! Thankful for your words and how God uses you! Many blessings to you!!!