Monday, April 8, 2013

Two words that matter

You matter.

If we could ever grasp the depth of God's love, we would never question His love for us.

More importantly you matter to God.  Yes, He cares that much, and He has told us so.

How do I know?

Because I stand at the empty tomb opening and it glows with new life.  His love rushes in and resurrects my sometimes cold faith and gives it hope again.

I can feel the glow of Easter morning still shining in my heart and in my soul.

I can hear Him say..." my child, YOU matter to me.  I sent my Son to prove it."

No one else has kept a promise like what Easter morning brings.  I can put  my faith and trust in the only One who would.

In the One, true God who thinks that much about me and about you.

Yes, I matter.  And you matter.

Never doubt that, even if you don't feel it.  You do matter.  Believe it.

God says so as the empty tomb glows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I matter. And YOU matter as well.