Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Joyful Soles

Giving to others never gets old for me.  In fact, I have said it many times, I wish...I wish....I wish...I was rich.  Only for the reason that I would give it all away.  While in Africa I saw how God can take a little and make much.  

One day afternoon, we lined up the kids, and distributed some flip flops.  We had all sizes and colors.  There were 400+ pairs to distribute.  One by one the children came to get fitted.  Big feet, small feet and all the in-betweens.  It was a joyful day.  Through generous donations, the team got to meet a need that they kids had.  Some of their shoes were very worn.  In fact, I saw one child who was wearing garden clogs with the bottom heels completely worn out.  They were something I would have tossed long ago.  Most of the kids were barefoot.  They don't have the plentiful collection of shoes like I do.  And maybe that is why this made such an impact on me.  I love shoes...too much.  

When we gave the kiddos their new soles, you should have seen their joy.  One little girl even kissed hers.  Funny...how a dollar can bring such happiness.  One by one as the kids came to get their new flip flops I thanked God for the many blessings in my life.  I thanked Him for my shoes.  The carpeted closet that keeps my shoes.  The roof that keeps my shoes dirt free and dry.  The walls that keep my shoes from being taken.  The shelves that my shoes sit on.  I know....I am a freak about shoes.  

While I watched the parade of joy pass, I was passing my thanks to God for His abundant blessings.  I am so grateful for everything God has blessed me with.  Gratefulness changes your perspective and breeds a hopeful heart.  I am rich and so are you. 

What are you grateful for?