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Saying goodbye is hard. |
Saying goodbye and offering hello can create awkward
circumstances. Even though I am one who can talk to complete strangers, it's still hard, good
and awkward.
I have the gift of gab.
I have a hard time saying goodbye. My reasons are that I might enjoy your company, or there are those times when I don't like being alone. And while I say that, I know there are times that I need to be alone. My ever wandering mind keeps me company most conversations.
If you are wondering if I am one who stands out on my porch and to watch you drive off...yes, I am one of those who linger. I want to remember the good times we have had. I want to stay in those shared moments. I don't want to let go of what you mean to me.
Sometimes I want to look at the past...back in time. I wish time would freeze or stand still. "Oh...remember that time...." yes, those loving memories bind our hearts. When it's a faith building transition, and there is struggle involved, that makes our bond strong. That's when it is especially hard to let go.
I am in a season of goodbyes and hellos.
God wants us to say "goodbye" to some habits, some ideals, some of who the world says we are supposed to be, leftover parts of our hearts. I have to be honest with you...its uncomfortable here in these newly decorated hallways. He's caught me standing still and frozen in time. I was fast becoming a pillar of salt as my neck was straining on past memories. There are seasons in our life in which we have to say goodbye before God can give you a new hello, a new beginning.
I believe the root of the reason of hard goodbyes is a matter of trust. We like to trust our feelings. We like to trust our past to take care of our future, we like to trust in people more than God, and we like to trust in ourselves more than Him. When we transition from goodbyes to hellos, we have to keep our focus on God. This game called life is more about Him than we can really understand, it's certainly not about us.
Transitions towards His tender heart are my
ultimate desire.
If we are
hanging onto toxic emotions and habits, then we have no room for change, no
room for new beginnings, and no room for God to greet us with His
"hello". For God to work, we have to allow Him to give and to take
So what do you need to say goodbye to? Is it a misplaced trust? A love replaced? Is it your pride? Toxic emotions you need to expell?
For God to do the work in us, we must be willing to wave goodbye. As our hands are open wide, then and only then, will He do his hello work. We can't receive what He has for us as long as we are clutching to the old, the tired or familiar patterns. We can build on our faith memories and recall His strength to say hello to the new things He has called us to.
Saying goodbye isn't always bad, it can be better. Hello to new beginnings. Say welcome to a new wing of your heart with doors open wide.
So what do you need to say goodbye to? Is it a misplaced trust? A love replaced? Is it your pride? Toxic emotions you need to expell?
For God to do the work in us, we must be willing to wave goodbye. As our hands are open wide, then and only then, will He do his hello work. We can't receive what He has for us as long as we are clutching to the old, the tired or familiar patterns. We can build on our faith memories and recall His strength to say hello to the new things He has called us to.
Saying goodbye isn't always bad, it can be better. Hello to new beginnings. Say welcome to a new wing of your heart with doors open wide.
God seasons us as we go
through seasons we grow to.
Sometimes it seems like what you blog was written just for me. I have been having some long goodbyes on some bad habits and bad choices. Thanks you for writing!
We are all on God's playing field and learning as we go. Thanks for being a part of the journey. Thanks for reading!! Janelle
Thanks Janelle, it's like you wrote that just for me. Thank you for being obedient and sharing your walk with God and what He's teaching you. I too am in a season of goodbyes and hellos and it is very hard. It's nice to know I'm not alone!
Love the tag line at the end! And how hellos and goodbyes aren't just for people. Love those thoughts. ~ Pam
I just said hello to my 18 year old son after 16 years of being apart and now I have to say good bye cause he is going to Afganistan for a year. God brought us back together after I started praying Surprise me God. I heard it on the house and I would have never thought of it. God is good. When he was two he went to live with my aunt. She was in the Air Force. I lost touch with them. I never stopped looking but my family would not tell me where they were. When the House FM was announcing to pray Surprise meGod I heard it the first time in my van while I was parking at the mall. I automatically prayed and not to long after we found each other on Facebook. I thank god everyday for letting me find him. He is a Ranger in the army and is leaving in July for a year. We went up to see him over a weekend and he got to meet 3 sisters he had no idea he had. I’m the happiest mom ever. God has blessed me in many ways.
As you mentioned there are times that was have to say goodbye to those who have brought poison into our lives. Staying grounded in GODS word makes that goodbye easier, but Satan will pound on your door at every chance he gets to try to deceive you, because he doesn't want you to be walking in the light of the world with GOD as your light, shield and protector.
Sometimes I think that you take the words right out of my mouth!
Whew! God has been working on me to accept where I am and quit dwelling on where I wish I was. It is a big work in progress and sadly I am having an awful time of it. I know He has something great for me if I will just open my eyes and heart.
Change is difficult especially when it is a habit/ritual/escape you have had your whole life! I dont just mean my adult life, my WHOLE life. I have tried ,to many times to count, to let it go and have failed each time. Went running back to that scared little girls safe place in my head. It has been a big thorn in my heart and mind for as long as I can remember. And it ALWAYS leads me into trouble. This is the year that I finally once and for all give it go God. I put it in His hands and not take it back. Not entertain the thought of taking it back. It is not easy and it is VERY hard.....BUT......I know My Father is bigger, better, and stronger, than this thing is. And in HIM I put ALL my trust, from this day forward!!!!
I've been thinking about my Mom lately. It's been almost 8 years since she passed away. I wish she was here to share things with. Saying goodbye to her was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my entire life but knowing she was in Heaven when she left us gave me peace. Thanks for your words to my heart today!
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