Monday, June 25, 2012

Music Monday {me Without You}

tobyMac's latest song "Me Without You" 
asks a good question...

Where would I be?
You rescued me
You are mine, I am Yours
You rescued me
And I am Yours forever
You saved me, remade me,
Where would i be?

Of course he is asking or talking to God...which brings me to the same question in my own life.  

Where would I be without God?

My answer would be this...I would be in a world of hurt.  Oh wait, I am in a world that is hurting.  

How do I make it through?  Knowing that I can run to God each and every time.  There is only One way to make in this world and that is to stay connected to God in the good times and bad times.   

I can't solve my problems.  God can.  I am choosing to wait on His ways and on His timing.  I've packed my bags and am camping out, waiting for His best.  That is wise.  

No more worrying...only more trusting, more of me holding His hand, more surrender to His will.  Less of me making my own way or trying to fix my own problems.  More of Jesus infused into my life. 

Psalm 55:16 "But I call to God, and the Lords saves me.  Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice."

That's peace, that's calm, that's matter what desert storm is passing through.    

So to answer the question...Me without God?  Now that's a very dry place.

How would you answer the question?


Pam Worcester said...

When I first read the words to the song, I couldn't come up with the melody. Later in the day, during a particular difficult moment, God gave me the melody and played the music in my head over and over. Between that and prayers of a friend, I was able to navigate through a difficult situation. Where would I be without God? Completely and utterly lost and hopeless.

Anonymous said...

We would be nothing without God, for without God we live in the flesh when we were created as spirit beings.