Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dear you, It's been six long years,

Today I am celebrating the work that has been accomplished here.  I am so taken aback by your generosity in linking arms in my mundane to see God in our everyday life.  It's an honor for me that you spend time to read the thoughts that have spilled out here.

Why do I come here often and write to you?  Because...

It's my heart's response to what God has already done in my life.  It's my expression of God's glory to do the work that has been placed in my hands.  It's my heart displayed for you to see.  Sometimes when you come around you cheer for me, and I thank you for that, it encourages me to continue the work that God has begun.

Honestly there are days I have to remind myself of why I do this.  Being transparent with you is probably the hardest part of doing this.

Sometimes when you don't come around, well you don't encourage this.  I've learned how to get past the doubt in living my spiritual life online.  It's not about that, it's about having faith in knowing this is my calling and then being obedient to write what God has placed on my heart.

I don't show up to highlight my problems.  I'm here to show you who God is in my everyday life.  So thank you again for your cheers in lifting the name of Jesus high in the thoughts that are spilled out before you.

It's the shoes that God has fitted me with.  Ironically, my very first post six years ago was all about shoes.  Little did I know the pair of shoes that God was fitting for me today.  I wish for you is that you too would go in and discover the difference written from that place to this one.

Thank you for believing in the fact that this pair of shoes fits well.  I'm learning how to go the distance in this faith gig, this dream, this what I call a crazy life.

Everyday we all have the opportunity to display God's glory when we do what He has lovingly designed us to do.  My pair of shoes will never look like yours, and that's okay.  Your shoes will pinch my little stubby toes, or the heels you wear might be too tall.  I have to learn this balance this dream for myself, with the Holy Spirit as my teacher.

But friends as you discover what pair of shoes that God has for you, as you recover the dreams laying deep inside that you think will never happen, have hope today.  Don't give up in seeking God's best for you.

God's dream for you is to know who He is in your life.  You just want to do God's will?  Know who God is, then His will is evident to you.  If your prayers are asking for what He wants in your life, then believe me, and if you listen to nothing else that I say here, lean in on this...

God loves you.  You don't have to earn His love, you don't have to look to your husband, or food, or your earthly parents to love you like you long to be loved.  You don't have to look to anything but God for the love you yearn for.  Lift up your eyes and see the keeper of your heart, your soul, your future, your destiny, your calling and just receive the love that HE has created you with.

Once you know the depth of God's love for you, things fall into place and you stop searching for all those missing pieces in your life that you long for in your dreams.  So far in my trying on shoe after shoe, dream after dream, I have found that God's love, his words to me, the fullness of His love is all I need to get out of bed.

I know nothing can separate me from that kind of agape love.  It's all I need in my life, in my dreams, in my today, in my tomorrows, in my full life.  If you never come back, please know that this is on my heart today.

Yes, God you have prospered this writing in very long loving way.  Thank you God for the journey you have given, may I faithfully serve you with all the love I can give back in response to your great and everlasting love.  When it comes to words to encompass your love for me, well I don't have them.  You are everything You promised You are.  It's not just words I proclaim here, it's your Word, it's Jesus, who's name stands forever.  Amen.

There are some changes coming soon.  So excited for what's ahead.  Thank you for joining in!  So thank you for the encouragement you have given in your comments, your prayers, your cheers along the way.  Please holla back anytime.  I love to hear from you.

Love, lattes, and laughter all along this way,
your word nerd

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